AraCred Manual Deployment

This is how to deploy your own AraCred instance on manual mode.


Step 0: Basic setup (Required)

We recommend creating unique accounts for your AraCred instance.

  • A unique project email for project admin functions.
  • A unique Infura account associated with said project email so that your API key is only used for AraCred stuff.
  • A dedicated GitHub account tied to the project email for your GitHub API Token as well as to run GitHub actions.
  • A unique Ethereum key with a very low amount of ETH to pay for gas fees for AraCred.

These measures separate security concerns while also decreasing the likelihood of poor performance due to rate limiting.

Step 1: Connect your DAO to AraCred (Required)

The DAO we used for this walkthrough is

Create A DAO

Step 0

Connect Your DAO to AraCred

DAO Parms Template

You'll need to update dao.json with the parameters of your new Aragon DAO.

Step 2: Run AraCred on GitHub repos (Optional)

If you don't want to connect AraCred to GitHub you'll have to remove all GitHub related info from project.json.

Open `project.json`

Step 3: Run AraCred on a Discord server (Optional)

If you don't want to connect AraCred to Discord you'll have to remove all GitHub related info from project.json.

Step 4: Discord onboaring bot (Optional)

This is dependent on Step 3. If you don't want to use a bot to onboard or you're not using AraCred on Discord then you can just edit the identities section of project.json as described in the following sections.

Deploy Onboarding Bot

Go to the AraCred bot page and click the "Deploy To Heroku" button.

Step 5: Run Aracred on Discourse (Optional)

If you don't want to connect AraCred to Discourse you'll have to remove all GitHub related info from project.json.

Add Discourse Forum

Note! You cannot have a trailing backslash in the Discourse forum URL.

This is good: "serverUrl": ""

This will not work: "serverUrl": ""

Step 6: Visualize Your Cred Graph (Recommended)

Talk about setting up GitHub Pages on the docs folder, then explain a bit about how to read the graph.

Open Settings

Open Settings.

Enable GitHub Pages

You'll need to enable GitHub pages to run on the docs folder.

Successful GH-Pages Deployment

GitHub will provide you with a link once the docs folder is successfully deployed.

Step 7: See your tokens being minted (Required)

Show how votes are created to mint tokens, and how if you set the threshold to 0 as long as no one objects they go right through.

Check Open Votes

Open the DAO and open the Voting app.